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Name - Kevin Cash     Location - Hendersonville, NC     Date - Sat Sep 21 15:17:18 2024
Comments:   Looks great. Lots of ideas for my first haunt. Wish me luck.

Name - William Zrno     Location - Chateau Flats Ct, South Jordan     Date - Wed Jun 19 13:37:48 2024
Comments:   Hello, I see raven manor every time (I'm the house on the left) I love your display

Name - Rodger C Fry     Location - Salt Lake City     Date - Sun Oct 29 20:16:55 2023
Comments:   I never get tired of visiting this display and spend time to find what is new this year. Raven Manor is amazing!

Name - Patrick     Location - South Jordan     Date - Sat Oct 29 20:53:20 2022
Comments:   This is a real class act. Authentic haunts and spooks. We will be back every year. Quality stuff. Thank you.

Name - Sean     Location - Hutto, Texas     Date - Tue Sep 14 11:16:24 2021
Comments:   I have lurked at your site for years. Love the display you have. I enjoy the clean unkempt look. Definitely inspirational props.

Name - Gregg     Location - Omaha Nebraska     Date - Fri Feb 19 17:35:11 2021
Comments:   I love your website to help me take my display to the next level. Would love to send you pics of my display neighbors love it.

Name - Josh Mitchell     Location - Holladay     Date - Thu Oct 31 21:38:07 2019
Comments:   Oh man! Your haunted house was the highlight of the night. I thought the candles and ghosts in the window was amazing. And the flying ghosts, so cool. I dont know how you got them to stay in your yard cuz they are kind of free spirits

Name - Isabel     Location - Utah     Date - Sun Oct 28 20:06:13 2018
Comments:   Hi I was interested in the weeping widow when I walked by how did you get the idea, what inspired you to make this?

Name - Eric     Location - Kirkland Lake, Canada     Date - Wed Oct 10 08:34:23 2018
Comments:   Hey Dave! Raven Manor looks incredible! I wish I was near enough to visit, as browsing through the pictures here clearly demonstrates how much work and passion is put into getting this together every year. Congratulations, and thank you on behalf of everyone young and old who gets a thrill from visiting your spooky show!

Name - Jason     Location - littleton     Date - Mon Jul 16 08:53:08 2018
Comments:   Hello, I love your gate and columns. I have a question about how you built the gate. Specifically how did you bend the wood strip for the top of the gate. This looks great and I would love to add this design to my gate this year. I have read some ideas on how to bend wood but it seems a little too difficult to me. If you have a suggestion on an easy way to bend a 1x2 wood strip I would appreciate it. Thanks

Name - barry     Location - nevada     Date - Sat Apr 28 12:58:07 2018
Comments:   Would love to see photos/videos of your newer additions to your display.

Name - Lisa Walker     Location - Carleton     Date - Fri Aug 5 04:05:58 2016
Comments:   Built it. Made some alterations to be able to disassemble the roof for easier storage. Posted a photo on Halloween yard haunts and props, and git over 10 likes. I referenced your site for the plans. Thank you.

Name - Barry     Location - Sparks, Nevada     Date - Fri Nov 13 18:23:42 2015
Comments:   Glad to see your new set-up in the new location. Very impressive, as always! I am familiar with the projection effects DVD you used for the dancing skeletons. Did you use the company's projection material over the window or something else? Thanks

Name - Your creepy cussin joshua the homicidal killer     Location - homeless hospice of the greater clifford heart fund and bathroom     Date - Mon Oct 26 21:59:17 2015
Comments:   hi dave its josh. just wondering when would be good time to come freak out your spook alley. the 7 year old would love to check it out and i miss you. ok talk to you later. tell your peeps i said hi.

Name - Eric     Location - Fountain Valley, Ca.     Date - Fri Jun 12 13:37:35 2015
Comments:   Greetings once again. It seems that I answered my own question, once I took another look at how you did your floating candelabra. You used wheels, while I used eye hooks.... Unfortunately though, I'm not sure how I could use wheels, because the distance between the motor swing arms and the eye hooks is only a few inches. The problem is, I'd have to have some sort of grooved wheels on some sort of pivot point so that it could follow the constantly changing angles of the string as the arm went around and round.... Oh well, I guess I'm back to square one. If you've got any good ideas, I'd really love to hear them. If not, I guess I'll eventually come up with something.... Our floating candelabra is at the end of a long hallway and has limited space ....only about 3-4 feet from one string to the other... It looks stunning when it's working, but then there's that crashing ending, which is kind of hard to take....

Name - Dave     Location - Ohio     Date - Thu Jan 1 18:35:18 2015
Comments:   Hope the setup at the new place went well. Any pics of the new setup?

Name - Chad and Angel Bunker     Location - West Valley City     Date - Thu Oct 30 21:30:59 2014
Comments:   Was great to finally come and see your setup and meet you, keep up the great work,

Name - Ed Skelton     Location - Callahan Florida     Date - Mon Oct 27 20:18:14 2014
Comments:   Awesome site. Copied the gate, pillars and fence idea from you and they turned out awesome! Built out of styrofoam .I have a gate keeper that stands between the pillars ,He's about 8 1/2 feet tall.( sheet rock stilts). Feet , claws Mask the whole nine yards. Very intimidating. Haunting 5 years now. Thank you for the inspiration. Skelton Manor

Name - Jeff P     Location - Mesa, AZ     Date - Mon Oct 20 22:47:32 2014
Comments:   I found your website today and I am amazed at how great the display is. I look forward to using some of your ideas with my future decorating. The columns and gates are so creative. Thank you for sharing all the ideas and plans. I will start planning on next years decorations right away.

Name - Matt     Location - Denver CO     Date - Fri Aug 29 11:11:11 2014
Comments:   I have a question regarding the RESTLESS CANDLE. I have been wanting to build this prop for a few years now and have finally gotten around to it. But, I can't get the string to stay on the pulley's. Everything works great until I put the weight on it. I did alter your design slightyly. First, I have the motor mounted in a tree, second I built a bracket for the idler pulley to sit on my roof and lastly I am using a lantern instead of a candle. The lanter weighs about 1.7 pounds. I am using the same spider wire - 50# test. How did you get your string to stay on the pulley. As soon as the weight (using a water bottle that is same weight) gets within a few feet of the pulley's it will throw the string off. I have watched your videos dozens of times, the only thing I can pick up is that it looks like maybe your idler pulley is slightly tilted downward in the direction of travel. Also, when I put the weight on, my string sags about two feet or so and I can't really get it much tighter. It doesn't look like yours is sagging nearly that much. I really would appreciate any help you can give. I think this is one of the coolest props I've seen in a while. No gore, just good old fashion eerie. Thanks, Matt

Name - Brandt Fine     Location - Torrance, CA     Date - Mon Jul 14 23:33:19 2014
Comments:   Hi, the columns are classic so we built our own with a few Tweaks and will be adding sub columns, fencing and a model T to our display this year. Looking forward to seeing your set up at your new place. The Karloff Manor will be a tribute to your set up here in California

Name - Eric     Location - Oceanside, CA     Date - Wed Nov 20 15:28:15 2013
Comments:   Loving your props and guides here! Im building new Columns based on what I saw here to replace my graveyard! Thank you! Id love it if you could give me a little more detail on your water staining on them though. How did you do it? What ratio or water/paint and all that?

Name - daron f     Location - great falls mt     Date - Sun Oct 27 22:06:43 2013
Comments:   you have inspired me in creating my own cemetery fence and grave yard scene. Thanks for all the info.

Name - Don     Location -     Date - Sat Oct 26 14:39:30 2013
Comments:   Great display! How did u glue the PVC pipes into the drilled holes?

Name - Dave     Location - Ohio     Date - Wed Oct 23 11:42:35 2013
Comments:   Good luck with the new place in 2014. The neighbors are lucky and hope the new ones appreciate what's coming to the neighborhood.

Name - Tony Barkdull     Location - Middletown, IN     Date - Sat Oct 19 09:18:44 2013
Comments:   Just started looking for column ideas. Landed on your page and after looking at your how-to's I watched your time lapse setup and noticed your location in Utah. Our first trip out west from Indiana was last spring and we drove through Jordan down I-15, near your house. We loved Utah and nice to know there are fellow haunters out there. I saw also tou have Axworthy ghosts which is a project I am considering. I hear they are a pain. Anyway, it all looks great! --Tony

Name - Tina     Location -     Date - Mon Sep 23 06:39:37 2013
Comments:   This is amazing !

Name - mary     Location - huntington NY     Date - Mon Sep 9 10:46:02 2013
Comments:   I go crazy every Halloween but this was the first year I decided to start making my own props. You are a Genius!!!! I wish we lived close by just to meet you. However you def gave me some ideas and made me not afraid to attempt to make them.

Name - Lyn David Hadley     Location - South Jordan     Date - Sun Mar 3 13:18:53 2013
Comments:   I am impressed very nice indeed. Thanks for making it so nice for so many.

Name - Dave     Location - Ohio     Date - Sat Jan 19 22:33:19 2013
Comments:   Love your place!!! Never have seen it in person so can't imagine how great it looks. I've been doing family home haunts for years and did my 1st one this past 2012. I found your site and wow! You're great at what you do and the neighborhood is lucky to have you dong this. Keep up the great work it's appreciated as you know. One question, that mask on Caretaker, is that homemade?

Name - Gravely MacCabre     Location - monessen, pa     Date - Wed Nov 14 22:35:02 2012
Comments:   what a wonderful place you've created. beautiful

Name - Leslie Jenson     Location - Draper, UT 84020     Date - Thu Nov 1 10:14:30 2012
Comments:   Absolutely phenomenal work! We came on Oct. 31, 2012 and loved the crypt, the weeping woman and the opening grave but most of all the hologram and floating candelabra. Thanks for making my Halloween most memorable and really quite spooky! Cheers, Leslie Jenson

Name - Marc Puente     Location - Corpus Christi, TEXAS     Date - Thu Oct 18 14:13:13 2012
Comments:   Your graveyard is awesome. I just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration! I always thaught the props are so expensive (they can be) but with a little creativity an time anyone can make things look cool! Thanks

Name - B Williams     Location - North Carolina     Date - Thu Oct 11 01:24:07 2012
Comments:   Awesome Halloween display. Hope my yard looks half as good as yours. Please continue with the pics. I hope everyone has a safe and scary 2012 Halloween.

Name - Tony     Location - Abilene,Tx     Date - Sat Sep 29 09:20:31 2012
Comments:   I saw your post on you tube after my girlfriend had mentioned it. I have been decorating for Halloween every year for the past 10 years. It's my favorite holiday! When I saw your house I thought "WOW!!" You do some great work! I hope you keep it up! Thanks for sharing with the world!

Name - Ash     Location - Jacksonville, FL     Date - Tue Sep 18 21:29:49 2012
Comments:   Awesome yard!! Your setup is a big inspiration for me and my family!! Keep up the great work!

Name - Cape Of Dracula     Location - Reno, NV     Date - Sun Sep 16 23:24:55 2012
Comments:   Got here with YouTube link. Fantastic display! Has an old world feel and eerie atmosphere. Looking forward to Halloween 2012!

Name - Mrs. Mejia     Location - Potterville     Date - Tue Aug 21 17:57:00 2012
Comments:   I found you from linking off a picture on Pinterest. STAY SPOOKY YOUR ART IS GREAT.

Name - Ted     Location - Sandy, Utah     Date - Wed Aug 1 19:45:16 2012
Comments:   Dude!!!!! So excited to have found you and the Rocky Mountain Haunters!!! Thank you for showing me how to do a damn fine haunted house....LOVE IT!!!!!! So excited for Halloween this year!

Name - Ben Heit     Location - Grand Forks, ND     Date - Wed Jun 13 18:56:49 2012
Comments:   Hi once again!! I was wondering, on your wandering candle...does it actually go over the mag wheel or the pulley? I have mine kinda working but it seems when it gets close to the motor pully it tends to get stuck and stops?!? any ideas? Thanks in advance!!

Name - Ben     Location - Grand Forks, ND     Date - Wed Jun 13 14:56:51 2012
Comments:   I have to say, Hats off to you sir!! I have had a haunted yard for three years and keep on adding to it every year!! I just came across your website and its is utterly fantastic!! Inspired me to make my own Axworthy Ghost and Haunted Candlestick!! I also have a monster in the box, laser vortex of dome with fog!! That is such a easy prop and gets alot of reactions. Two smoke machines, and a number of sound tracks running..I also do the window and plexi glass images..People love it!!! I tend to visit your site for ideas often!! Happy Haunting!!!

Name - Dave     Location - Raven Manor Cemetery, Utah     Date - Wed Dec 28 23:06:14 2011
Comments:   Hi Barry- You are exactly right. The shaft on the wiper motor was probably about 3/8" and the pulley bore 1/2". Since this project didn't require too much torque, I was able to get away with fitting a small spacer over the motor shaft. I used a small piece of PEX pipe that fit pretty well between the shaft and pulley bore. Then I tightened down the set screw on the pulley until it was snug. I think I also replaced the standard set screw with one that was a bit longer. This made the pulley slightly off center in rotation, but for this purpose it works just fine.

Name - Barry     Location - Sparks, Nevada     Date - Wed Dec 28 01:09:39 2011
Comments:   RE: Restless Candle: How do you attach the 4 inch pulley to the wiper motor? I'm guessing that the shaft on the motor isn't as large as the bore for the pulley (1/2"). Don'y know the diameter of the motor shaft. Thanks, and Great Stuff, very inspiring!!

Name - Rick     Location - Tulsa, OK     Date - Thu Nov 10 20:33:02 2011
Comments:   Fantastic Haunt. Has given me a lot of ideas for this coming year. We average over 1200 kids every year. Hope to double it next year. Again, fantastic!!!!!!!!!

Name - Dan     Location - Ofallon.Mo     Date - Tue Nov 8 18:10:27 2011
Comments:   Thanks for all your ideas. I would concur with the fence idea.....Dont wait. I used the finials you suggested and somehow ordered the wrong ones???!!!! (delay). Then we had a wedding for a step-daughter. Then like everybody else design changes..But I finally finished Oct 31, so I thought. I work nights and was dfriving to work and relized The fog machines were not on. or a couple of other things. Oh well,we got many compliments on the display. I give most of the credit to you and your ideas. In addition to all that my wife, who in the past could not get the stuff down fast enough, wanted it to stay up for a while. You my friend have created a monster. I already have many ideas for next year. Thanks again for your ideas and inspiration. Dan

Name - bayork     Location - Brentwood, Northern California     Date - Wed Nov 2 09:38:02 2011
Comments:   Hiya, Dave! Just wanted to give you a big THANKS for all of the ideas I pulled from your Axworthy design. I tried several years ago with a much less elegant solution, and this year, put my Raven-Manor-inspired Axworthy in service. WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT! (website is a link to the pics/vids that show my AFG in action) I love having two circuits of ghosts running at the same time...AND being able to have stable poles without tons of rope staking them in place.

Name - Julie     Location - Wisconsin     Date - Thu Oct 27 11:27:42 2011
Comments:   This is fantastic! I found this while Googling for rain-proof Halloween displays, since almost all of mine aren't rain-friendly and we've got it predicted for this year. Extremely inspirational! Your tombstones are THE best I've ever seen. I was going with a Macbeth-theme this year til the weather decided to be uncooperative, but this gives me some great ideas for NEXT year! :-D

Name - Dave     Location - Raven Manor Cemetery, Utah     Date - Thu Oct 20 15:50:20 2011
Comments:   Greetings Don, I've e-mailed you an answer to your question on the tombstones and also added the answer and photo illustration on my method to the Tombstones project page. Thanks for writing and good luck with your display this year. -Dave.

Name - Don     Location - illinois     Date - Wed Oct 19 20:09:10 2011
Comments:   How do you keep the tombstones standing in wind? Are they on some kind of base and how is it anchored to the ground? Advise would be appreciated because we have this issue every year here in Illinois

Name - Mars     Location - Oklahoma     Date - Sat Oct 1 19:42:52 2011
Comments:   I have been a huge Halloween fan since Iwas a kid in the 1950's. I found your site years ago, and this year showed it to a friend. He was so inspired that we have built a similar style fence in his front yard, and his neighbors think it's a real fence! A 64 foot long 4 foot high fence with a pair of 6 foot tall gates is an impressive sight, for sure. I'd be happy to share photos!

Name - Stephen Hine     Location - Cookeville Tn     Date - Mon Sep 5 13:41:13 2011
Comments:   Love your work I havent been doing yard haunting for too long but am very imprested with your set up. Keep up the goulish work.

Name - Bryan Madewell     Location - California     Date - Fri Aug 19 12:11:08 2011
Comments:   I love the props and the creative idea's. I started my haunted house with a single tunnel with some generic props. I am always trying to go bigger and better and one day start my own haunted house attraction. If you have any idea's or anybody in the Modesto California area that wants to get involved feel free to e-mail me.

Name - joseph hunt     Location - texas     Date - Wed Jul 6 23:52:14 2011
Comments:   Man, this is going to sound nuts but our history is almost the same. My haunt to started out as a mask and jumping out behind a bush! But it has now taken on a life of itself, with set up starting Oct first (plenty of time to work out all the kinks). The early years all my neighbors thought I was nuts, but now they all cant wait to see next years new attraction to the haunt. People dont relize what a labor of love these are to create and put on. But Im sure you can testify its all worth it seeing the faces on Halloween night. So from one halloween nut to another keep up the great work. Joseph

Name - Jeanna     Location - Currently Rochester NY     Date - Sat Apr 2 19:42:53 2011
Comments:   Your props are amazing! I have already started thinking about making my own props for this year and your photos have given me the confidence to start now. I have been reseaerching different sites and stumbled upon your site. You do great work!

Name - Wooley Woodsmith     Location - River Falls, Wisconsin     Date - Sun Oct 10 07:08:21 2010
Comments:   We found your haunt and have found it very very inspirational! This is our first year of REALLY setting up. Thanks for all the information you have given us, in years to come we will be making many additions with your help.Wooley

Name - Robyn Kyte     Location - Lead South Dakota     Date - Thu Sep 9 10:02:42 2010
Comments:   I have started my own little project in Lead South Dakota. I have a house that is one of the first built. So it has the creepyness all ready . I hope to figure out a name like yours and start a web site. Thank you for all of your how to's it has helped up alot

Name - Stephanie     Location - East Greenbush, NY     Date - Mon Jun 21 16:05:48 2010
Comments:   This is AWESOME!! The Axworthy ghosts are my favorite! I made tombstones like the ones you made last year, but I am definatly insipred to make more.

Name - Spider Rider     Location - Sacramento, Ca.     Date - Wed Apr 21 14:53:42 2010
Comments:   As a former Salt Lake resident I applaud your weather resilient prop making skills. I couldn't believe the quality of your cemetery towers when I first saw them a few years ago. I haven't seen current photos, I hope all is well and we get to see more of your work.

Name - edward Tuller     Location - west palm beach fla     Date - Wed Apr 14 17:45:50 2010
Comments:   I like your projects do you the blue prints so i can make down here in fla. what a good idea for halloween. hope to hear from you. ed

Name - neil lon chaney bradley     Location - nr manchester england united kingdom     Date - Sat Apr 10 08:43:46 2010
Comments:   WOW totally fantasitic..... over here we dont seem to go for halloween very big , except for a handfull of us but your home haunt is inspiring...WELL DONE

Name - David     Location -     Date - Fri Apr 2 09:35:49 2010
Comments:   Test post only

Name - Rich Koehler     Location - Burbank, IL     Date - Wed Jan 20 07:45:46 2010
Comments:   Fantastic Haunt! Saw your site a few years back, your haunt inspired me to build Melvina Manor. I Like the fact that your haunt is low gore,but high spooky mood. Keep up the AWESOME work! Happy Haunting! Rich & Donna, caretakers at Melvina Manor.

Name - Troy     Location - South Jordan, UT     Date - Tue Nov 3 10:55:51 2009
Comments:   Hey Dave! Great job as always. I liked the additions this year! Keep up the great work!

Name - ramaries69     Location - Brooklyn     Date - Mon Oct 26 09:02:22 2009
Comments:   Awesome work!!! Keep up the good work.

Name - Evan Daniele     Location - California     Date - Sun Oct 18 16:11:47 2009
Comments:   Hey I Started My Cemetary Pillars And I Was Just Wondering What Colors You Used For Yours. You Say A Light Grey But What Specific Color? And What Is The Color For Your Black And Green And What Is The Mixture? P.S - You Guys Have The Best Decor I Have Ever Seen. -E.M.Daniele

Name - JULIE SMITH     Location - MIDLOTHIAN, VA     Date - Fri Oct 16 06:40:21 2009
Comments:   Looking for fence and pillars

Name - Tina Hinson     Location - Atlantic Iowa     Date - Thu Oct 15 00:27:41 2009
Comments:   Well I cant say much more than what has already been said , you have done a great job and I admire you for all your time and effort !...I am really big into Halloween and all of the hard work involved into decorating my yard and inside my house but now it's harder to get everything done that I want because I am single now and would love to meet someone that is as devoted to decorating for Halloween as I am ,you should see what I have done and yet I have seen so much more . I would love to build the fence and graveyard as you have (GREAT JOB)! however I am working on an easier design this year ! someone else on here said each year everyone asks me what I am going to do next year ,so I feel as though I need to add more exciting things each year, I only wish I could send you a pic of what I do ! I wish we could combine our efforts ! Thank you for what you have done as it inspires me to do even more ! Thanks again , TINA

Name - Matt Cowan     Location - Oregon     Date - Sat Oct 10 22:33:41 2009
Comments:   Great work!! Especially like your fence and gate column's

Name - Justin Davis     Location - Suffolk, VA     Date - Wed Oct 7 11:19:24 2009
Comments:   Absolutely brilliant. I was feeling a bit out of the "spirit" this year until I saw your site.

Name - Christopher Ware     Location - Long Beach, MS     Date - Wed Oct 7 08:04:01 2009
Comments:   Amazing craftsmanship! Being in contruction since I was 14 (I'm 36 now), and could never dream of having such amazing results. I'm active military, and I'm stationed here in MS, the foam that you use I can't get down here, the HD only carries it in 1/2" sheets. So if you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Name - MacEricG     Location - Chicagoland     Date - Tue Oct 6 14:13:03 2009
Comments:   Truly some of the most beautiful and skillful work I've seen done for a home haunt. There are two schools of thought when it comes to Halloween DIY: Fast & Cheap -or- Meticulous Craftsmanship. Your work demonstrates the latter, and I will bookmark and refer to this site for inspiration as my own collection grows.

Name - Brian Hess     Location - Chesapeake, VA     Date - Sun Oct 4 21:21:53 2009
Comments:   GREAT WORK! I'm really impressed with your quality of work and detail. I will be on my second year of doing a graveyard. I make my tombstones out of concrete, very realistic. You have inspired me to do much more each year.

Name - Scott     Location - Spanish Fork, Utah     Date - Mon Sep 28 16:20:04 2009
Comments:   Great work on your props. I like what you've done. I too am in Utah and I've been working on my yard haunt and trying to come up with a name. Raven Manor is not officially off my list. :)

Name - Steve Gorugues     Location - Louisiana     Date - Thu Sep 3 10:20:00 2009
Comments:   Outstanding craftsmanship on all aspects of your work. I would love for you to provide more detail on your method of painting gates and tombstones. I hope my graveyard can haunt like this someday.

Name - Joanna     Location - Commerce City, Colroado     Date - Mon Aug 3 08:35:52 2009
Comments:   Hi-Great Halloween Haunts!!!!Also, like your website too, with the other links and explanations... Totally Great!!!

Name - Chuck Gaskill     Location - Long Beach, CA     Date - Fri Jun 12 14:02:26 2009
Comments:   I absolutely LOVE your graveyard. I'm in the beginning stages of doing one of my own, all store bought stuff, but after seeing what you've done I am inspired to start building things myself. Keep up the great work!

Name - Pat Williams     Location - Newton Centre     Date - Fri Jan 23 02:45:59 2009
Comments:   I liked your site.

Name - marty from ohio     Location - rossford ohio     Date - Wed Jan 14 07:00:45 2009
Comments:   hey wheres the 2008 pics????

Name - Karen Sanders     Location - Centralia, Illinois     Date - Sun Oct 19 22:20:01 2008
Comments:   I was searching for some how-to's so I can make my own yard haunt and came across this site. It is the most helpful one I have found yet. You have done a WONDERFUL job with the site and your yard. I can't wait for this year's update! WAY TO GO!!!

Name - Mandy Barnes     Location - Canada     Date - Thu Oct 9 16:35:28 2008
Comments:   Great looking haunt! Your Crank ghost is fantastic.

Name - Johnny Love     Location - California     Date - Wed Oct 8 21:28:58 2008
Comments:   I just wanted to swing by and let you know that your home is such an inspiration for me. It pretty much started it all. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Johnny Love

Name - Mel     Location - West Chicago, IL     Date - Mon Sep 29 23:34:38 2008
Comments:   A friend, Mark S.turned me on to your site. He is a major fan of yours. WoW! I really like the flying ghosts and all the great stuff that you design and build. What fun! Rock on dude!

Name - James Mock     Location - South Carolina     Date - Fri Sep 19 05:50:31 2008
Comments:   I have been experimenting with the ghosts for the Axworthy, you ran into weight problems with yours so I thought I could share how I overcame it. First cut the wig head so that you leave only the front of the face, then use wooden BBQ skewers and shrink tubing to make your shoulders and arms. I used spetic tank drainage mat for the covering (extremely light and weatherproof). I have some pictures if you are interested.

Name - darth reay     Location - florence, ky     Date - Thu Sep 18 07:43:42 2008
Comments:   great sight not everyone shuld have one but you guys do thanks for the great work you do there is so much crap out there

Name - Jeff     Location - San Diego, Ca     Date - Tue Jun 10 23:46:47 2008
Comments:   I'm looking to put up an axworthy system this year. You say that lightweight ghosts are the key. What do you think of putting lightweight masks on ballons and then draping cloth on them? Do you think this will work? Have you tried something similar?

Name - king     Location - ohio     Date - Tue Feb 12 16:58:10 2008
Comments:   can you help me come up with a way to make a mosiliem lighter and storge friendly. that would be great

Name - Robyn Kyte     Location - Lead, S.D.     Date - Fri Nov 2 13:19:27 2007
Comments:   I want to say thank you, you have made my halloween. My husband and I started building the pillars this year. we are going to work on the fence this summer for next year along with the moseleum. You have also given us some ideas for our christmas display that we do also. I hope that you come up with something else good for next year. Now i just need some input on a manor name Help?????

Name - Dave Kolchuk     Location - Rochester, NY     Date - Wed Oct 31 07:04:58 2007
Comments:   A home in Pittsford, NY inspired me to search the web where I found you. This house had several, longer, spookier ghosts, about 2-2.5 feet long and moved much faster than yours. However the effect was fantastic. You did a great job, especially the ghost in the mausoleum.

Name - mike     Location - indiana     Date - Wed Oct 3 23:38:16 2007
Comments:   I love what u have done. and you have game me some great idaes for my house this year. i do my house up every year. again let me say great job very pro....looking

Name - Sean Combs     Location - New Jersey     Date - Fri Sep 28 08:17:27 2007
Comments:   SPIDER WIRE KNOT SLIP FIX. The slippage created by the teflon coating of SpiderWire (when you tie a square knot) is simply addressed by tying a "half Hitch" knot with the loose ends and main line, at each end of the square knot. This is a standard/required anti-slip techique used by the military for ALL their knots.

Name - Earl Ray     Location - Rapid City S.D.     Date - Sun Sep 9 09:12:53 2007
Comments:   Looks great! You have got the touch. Great Fun for all. keep it up!

Name - Chad     Location - West Valley     Date - Fri Sep 7 09:01:27 2007
Comments:   ABSOLUTLY AWSOME!!!!!!!!! love the headstones they are so real looking. was wondering if you could us low voltage lighting to add something diferant to them. The Scarey House

Name - Drew     Location - Cleveland, Ohio     Date - Tue Sep 4 13:26:43 2007
Comments:   You truly do a great job, and I have to agree with Ted below, that this is the most relistic looking cemetery I'v seen yet. I'v been working on new graves for this season, and wanted to know your painting techniques. Is is rag-rolling, or sponge, or what? Also do you fill the tubes with ice and let reg. fog run through, or is a special fog machine? Thanks so much. -Drew

Name - Mark     Location - St. Louis     Date - Tue Aug 21 09:54:32 2007
Comments:   I forgot to mention in my last post that I made the pillar tops from 3/8 inch plywood. I used the pythagorian equation to calculate the angles and length of each side and it made it all a snap. If anyone needs a little help with designing the pyramid shaped tops, I can send a paragraph or two explaining how to do it. I am grateful for your website. I love building fun stuff for the holidays but my imagination needs a little help sometimes! Thanks again!

Name - Mark     Location - St. Louis     Date - Tue Aug 21 09:50:15 2007
Comments:   You inspired me to build the cemetery gates and I have them 75% complete. But it just hit me that I'm not sure how to finish them. I could use your opinion on that process. I was thinking of smoothing the pillars out with drywall compound but its not waterproof. Do you think after I paint it, the drywall compund would be safe or is it better to spray the posts with texture paint to hide the seams? Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated! After that, I have my sights on the ghost-go-round! Thanks again!

Name - Tony R.     Location - Strasburg, Pennsylvania     Date - Sun Aug 12 18:26:15 2007
Comments:   I must start off by saying Thanx. I have been so impressed by your projects. I have made it a yearly task to haunt my home for all of the trick-or-treaters. Every year the kids and adults ask me what I have planned for the next Halloween. Of course I tell them," you'll have to wait and see". Needless to say they are not disappointed. I have used some of your ideas each year and they have impressed an entire town. I am currently working on a cemetary gate and fence. I am following you plans but, tweaking it a bit. It looks awesome. I can't wait until the town gets to see it. So I say again Thank you for your ideas. Please keep up the great work! Sincerely, Tony Have a Happy Halloween!

Name - Ted     Location - Plant City, FL     Date - Sat Aug 11 07:32:17 2007
Comments:   I found your site a couple years ago. You've got one of my favorite yard haunts I've seen (online). It's clean and one of the most 'realistic' displays. Your front pillars are awesome! Thanks for updating the site each year. The how-to's are great. Thanks again.

Name - Wyatt     Location - Iowa     Date - Wed Aug 1 16:15:14 2007
Comments:   This display must have taken you quite awhile! My friends and I always set up and run a haunt at my house every Halloween, but I don't have a shed-size mausoleum in my front yard!

Name - Tara     Location -     Date - Fri Jul 20 18:09:39 2007
Comments:   Your set up is amazing and the best I've have seen done to someones house. It is truely inspirational because you have alot of great ideas and you can tell it took alot of time to put together. Truely a masterpiece.

Name - Mark     Location - St. Louis     Date - Sat Jun 30 13:40:46 2007
Comments:   Your cemetery gate and columns are excellent. I am considering building my own. But I have a question, how do you make the tops of the columns? The pyramid top angles inward as it tapers to the top and has a flat surface at the apex. It looks as if it requires compound angle cuts. Is there any way to make those four sides in a simple way? Maybe a template or something? They look hard to make. Thanks for any tips you can provide...

Name - Pamela Chandler     Location - Thousand Palms, California     Date - Sat May 5 12:56:26 2007
Comments:   Thanks for sharing your wonderful display. You are truely an inspiration! Happy Haunting....

Name - asha     Location - lagos     Date - Fri Jan 26 17:55:54 2007
Comments:   good site

Name - Mandy Barnes     Location - Canada     Date - Mon Jan 8 11:13:50 2007
Comments:   Your haunt looks fantastic!

Name - Shawn     Location - Virginia Beach     Date - Sun Oct 29 19:58:15 2006
Comments:   Bravo! I must admit that you've inspired me. I turned my house into a fantastic Halloween monument, and it all started when I saw your website. When people ask where I came up with it, I tell them to go visit! Each year I plan to build it up more. Maybe someday you'll see my house online! Thanks for the inspiration and keep up the great work! Shawn

Name - J. Rick Suchil aka "Sooch"     Location - Beyond the Sun     Date - Sat Oct 28 13:58:15 2006
Comments:   Thanks for scaring the sh** out of my kids last year. They wake up in a cold sweat every night. I hope you are proud of yourself!!

Name - sharon     Location - west jordan, utah     Date - Fri Oct 13 06:05:00 2006
Comments:   there was a special on tv last year, and I drove over to look at your yard - what an incredible amount of work goes into your halloween presentation. I just wish it was lit longer than 3 days....perhaps a week, since I usually have the Grandkids Fri or Sat and your show begins on Sunday night this year, so I won't be able to bring them over to see it. But thanks for updating the features, and adding to your exhibits. It is great!

Name - Brian O'Halloran     Location - Dover, NH     Date - Thu Oct 5 19:35:45 2006
Comments:   Nice job with the web site and the Halloween Decorations. Thanks for the projects area it has provided me with some inspirations of my own. I can’t wait to see what you will add this year. You must be so proud to have made it on the TV news.

Name - John Hill     Location - California     Date - Mon Sep 25 11:11:27 2006
Comments:   I want to thank you for your site...I have been asking people how to make the flying ghost effect, and no one had a clue... thanks again....Hopefully I will be able to put it together... it will probably take some experimentation. John

Name - Breck Johnson     Location - Lexington, Kentucky     Date - Mon Sep 18 21:59:34 2006
Comments:   Your site has given me a lot more enthusiasm for my yard decor. My wife already thought I was nuts! Like you I have been decorating my yard since I was a boy. Your props are awesome. I especially love the fence, I have struggled with how to do mine and your's look fantastic. I am now 35 and I turn 36 on Halloween! That's right, my Birthday is Halloween. Guess that's why I love it so much. Last year the kids that came by said "maybe not so scary next year". Wait till they see it this year, that is if they are brave enough to get any closer than across the street! Thanks so much for sharing your site with us!

Name - Rhonda     Location - Austin, TX     Date - Sun Sep 17 09:08:07 2006
Comments:   Your site AND your gates/crypt rock!!!! You've done a wonderful job on both and I greatly appreciate your sharing!!!!

Name - Mark     Location - Ottawa, Canada     Date - Tue Sep 12 15:57:09 2006
Comments:   Outstanding decorations and truly inspirational. You have the house that amateurs like myself aspire to. Well done.

Name - Jennifer     Location - Roxbury, New Jersey     Date - Sat Jan 7 17:39:51 2006
Comments:   Fantastic! We are creative home haunters ourselves and love to throw haunted Halloween parties. Over 130 adults attended the last shindig. Great inspiration for the pillars and fence...will try to tackle that project this year. Keep up the great work. Happy Haunting!

Name - Brian     Location - Pittsburgh, PA     Date - Wed Dec 28 14:45:17 2005
Comments:   I love you cemetary gate and fence. I auctually love your site in general it is so awesome. but I really love the columns and gate and fence, i wish i could do that.

Name - Randy Tippett     Location - memphis missouri     Date - Thu Dec 1 19:46:30 2005
Comments:   I love Raven Manor it gives us some ideas for next year haunted barn and pasture

Name - Sutter Cane     Location - Wichita, KS     Date - Thu Nov 24 17:06:38 2005
Comments:   Nice job with the website buddy. Everything looks great!

Name - Bentley Manor     Location - Hudsonville, Michigan     Date - Thu Nov 10 11:52:30 2005
Comments:   Your Cemetery gates and fence ideas added the perfect touch to Our 12th annual Spookhouse & Cemetery. Several people complimented Us and I bragged quite a bit about this guy from Utah! I tell everyone about Your site and hope to use more of Your ideas in the years to come! Thank You muchly and happy haunting in the future.

Name - Mike Lieberman     Location - San Jose, CA     Date - Sat Nov 5 10:05:44 2005
Comments:   Very and very impressive! Just enjoyed the ideas and the excitement you are sharing with us! Already several friends and I are brainstorming ideas for next year! Thanks for sharing your creativity!

Name - Jack Taddeo     Location - Park Ridge(Chicago), IL     Date - Fri Nov 4 23:34:06 2005
Comments:   Hey...the rest of us non-Utah residents need pictures!! Can't wait to see the latest 2005 touches. You're the best in the home haunt biz! Congrats on Raven Manor Cinema too. It is awesome, as is everything you build!

Name - Scott Shier     Location - Beaverton, Oregon     Date - Wed Nov 2 15:39:51 2005
Comments:   Thank you for sharing your hard work with the rest of us. I have been doing a setup in my garage for the past two years and I have been getting comments from the neighbors that they look forward to seeing my display. I had been doing everything myself, but this year I wanted to do something really cool, so I thought I would "Google" other peoples ideas. I found the Monster List and opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Your cemetary is one of the most realistic and awe inspiring projects I have seen. Only the Terror Syndicate has higher quality (And I am nowhere near that talented). I plan on doing my own graveyard next year with many of your plans as inspiration. I will also be creating a website where I can not only give you the proper credit for the design of the gates, but hopefully add a few projects of my own to inspire others. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see what you come up with for next year.

Name - Jim     Location - Huntsville, AL     Date - Sun Oct 30 22:14:03 2005
Comments:   Enjoy the Site a true insperation to all home haunters!!!!!

Name - Crystal Bowron     Location - Franklin, Tn     Date - Wed Oct 26 14:02:29 2005
Comments:   Saw this on the news and had to check it out. My husband and I do the same thing here called Bogee Manor. It's nice to know we aren't the only ones crazy enough to invest money into this stuff! Keep it up!

Name - Becky Rickman     Location -     Date - Wed Oct 26 10:07:14 2005
Comments:   Great!!!

Name - The Hansons     Location - Around the corner from your house...     Date - Sun Oct 16 18:48:12 2005
Comments:   We loved it. It was better than cats. We want to see it again and again.

Name - Rich     Location - Indiana     Date - Fri Oct 14 20:29:34 2005
Comments:   Awesome Haunt!!! This is my first year with the Misery Manor haunt and with the addition of a mausoleum built from your plans it should be fantastic, I can't wait. You're display was such an inspiration in the disigning my Cemetary. I refer everyone who ask about yard huants to your site. Detail is what it's all about and you nailed it. Great job!!!

Name - Alyssa     Location - Meadville, PA     Date - Sun Oct 9 12:33:44 2005
Comments:   What a FANTASTIC haunt! It's the little touches that spell the difference between an okay haunt and a truly memorable one, and your cemetery columns, fencing, and mausoleum are impressive. I love the skull-whistle finials--what a cool, classic look! You've really raised the bar.

Name - Robert     Location - Omaha, NE     Date - Fri Oct 7 11:57:22 2005
Comments:   What an AMAZING display you have! I found your site a year ago, and I've referred to it dozens of times in doing my own graveyard. Our FCG mausoleum is directly from your design, and it turned out GREAT! Thank you. We're making "rock" speakers for background music, and was wondering what music was used in your 2003 video? Keep up the fantastic work!

Name - Dennis And Maggie Saldo     Location - Pueblo West, Co.     Date - Wed Sep 28 14:51:35 2005
Comments:   We just moved to Colorado and love the flying ghost, I do a graveyard scene, I'm building a fence for the yard and was looking for some ideas for the gate, and found your ghost. Thanks for a great web site. Happy Haunting, Be back soon. Dennis and Maggie Saldo

Name - Me     Location - Utah     Date - Tue Sep 27 13:58:01 2005
Comments:   Hey Dave. I found a deal on 10 lbs of bleached human bone replicas that some of your guests might want to use in their projects. Here is the link-

Name - Jody     Location - British Columbia     Date - Sat Sep 17 01:26:57 2005
Comments:   Great stuff, I would love to do some of the moving ghosts...but I am mechanically challenged, your sight is AMAZING, and inspiring. I can only hope to have my yard look as great as your's. With your inspiration I am hoping to add some more tombstones to my yard display, great great sight.

Name - Mike Allen     Location - Dayton, Ohio     Date - Mon Sep 5 20:15:12 2005
Comments:   I like what you have done. I have been building haunted trails for 12 years, this stuff looks better then most the stuff i can purchase. After looking at you prop section i will be building some of them for the Hueston Woods Haunted Trail this year. Keep up the good work! Mike Allen

Name - KEVIN PAYNE     Location - hollywood fla     Date - Mon Aug 29 11:19:59 2005
Comments:   I have a question about your entrance column. How did you complete the top. Is it something like a hip roof or what. Could you possibly provide instructions. Thank you and keep up the great work.

Name - Roy Shatt     Location - Glen Burnie, Md     Date - Mon Aug 29 09:22:38 2005
Comments:   I've been on your sight several times, Fantastic. I am a co-chair for trail we put on each year for the past 6 years as a fund raiser for a Catholic School. This year I'll be using some of your ideas as we have changed our theme. This is our web sight from last year. Just want to say thanks for the inspiration you provide to us fellow Haunters. I'm looking forward to you 2005 Pictures. I do wish you were local, I think you would have fun playing on our 600ft trail in the woods..... If you have any plans or other ideas to share feel free to email me.

Name - Mike     Location - Savannah GA     Date - Fri Apr 22 11:15:32 2005
Comments:   I've been here several times, can't remember if I have ever signed the book. Well, anyway...HELLO!

Name - Shane Cooper     Location - Longmont Colorado     Date - Fri Apr 8 14:59:00 2005
Comments:   Really enjoyed your site and all of the pictures!!! We just started getting into our yard decor 2 years ago and it's fast becoming the main attraction in our neighborhood. Moving ghosts are my next big thing along with more tombstones. Thanks for all of the ideas!! I only have a 7 months and not enought time to get it all done. Now if only my storage unit can hold it all??

Name - Jeff Barry     Location - Thunder Bay, Ontario. Canada     Date - Fri Mar 18 18:26:28 2005
Comments:   Nice work... I love the crank ghost! Have a good season.

Name - John Scott     Location - Newark Delaware     Date - Mon Feb 21 13:48:16 2005
Comments:   Great haunt! We do a Haunt at the Barrington development south of Newark.With about 300 adults and kids visiting each year.We hope to have our own web site next year .Again Great job

Name - renee'     Location - INDIANA     Date - Thu Feb 10 18:20:34 2005
Comments:   I LOVE IT!!!! I have always decorated for Halloween.. Years ago our neighborhood kids couldn't wait to see what was next.. It is Feb. and I am planning for this fall.. You have given me wonderful ideas.. What great fun your children and helpers must be having... and what terrific memories for your family, friends and neighbors.. I stand in AWE!!!!! FANTASTIC.......

Name - Steven Spelsberg     Location - Los Angeles California     Date - Wed Jan 12 22:46:53 2005
Comments:   You are a creative genious... Any chance you dable into movie making????

Name - Todd     Location - San Jose, Ca     Date - Tue Dec 28 21:14:36 2004
Comments:   2005 will be year two after a very successful 2004 front yard cemetery. I am definately duplicating the flying ghosts/tracks, if I can get it going correctly. That will look great.. I bet with the 50lb line you could pull off the LED eyes... (my goal). Todd

Name - D.S. Wilson     Location - STL     Date - Fri Dec 10 22:10:09 2004
Comments:   Thank you so much for sharing your Halloween projects with us. I just started 'haunting' last year and thought I was scary with a Reaper outfit and wireless headset through a effects processor. You have given me a lot of ideas for props. Thank you again.

Name - Jack Taddeo     Location - Park Ridge, IL     Date - Sun Nov 14 00:00:10 2004
Comments:   Bravo! And congratulations on the CBS2 News coverage as well. Another fantastic, if snowy, Halloween display for 2004 at Raven Manor!

Name - Norm Glenn     Location - Austin, Texas     Date - Thu Nov 11 12:15:49 2004
Comments:   This is a great job and a work of art within the haunt community!!! My hat is off to you. Keep up the great work.

Name - Dave O     Location - Toronto, Canada     Date - Sat Nov 6 07:09:24 2004
Comments:   Wow! Just when I start to think that my yard haunt is pretty good, I see one like yours. Your attention to detail is obvious even through pictures on the web. I've been accused of going overboard, but even I wouldn't think of building an 8x10 structure for a Halloween prop. Beautiful! Also, thanks for the detailed instructions and links for props, I'll be using them and passing them on to some other local haunters. Congratulations on a great haunt and web-site. Dave O

Name - "Autumn"     Location - Mobile, AL     Date - Thu Nov 4 13:46:00 2004
Comments:   A truly inspiring work of art. Thank you so much for sharing your haunting vision with us.

Name - Christopher Pitts     Location - West Jordan     Date - Wed Nov 3 16:35:22 2004
Comments:   Hagoth told me about all of the cool Halloween stuff that you do! Dave that is awesome. I've done some small displays but nothing like this! I had no idea.

Name - Jerry W     Location - PA.     Date - Wed Nov 3 04:04:44 2004
Comments:   Simply an outstanding display. Refreshing to see one w/o all the gore that has become all too common in Halloween displays. I had my wife and some friends watch the video and they were mesmerized by the FCG and axeworthy ghosts. I see your tombstones are anchored by what look to be pieces of thin plywood. Are they just glued to these boards? Very inspiring all the way around!

Name - Sam Ahlstrom     Location - South Jordan, Utah     Date - Sun Oct 31 19:33:04 2004
Comments:   I've always wanted to do something like that but I've never had the money since I'm only 14. It was a lot of fun to drive by and see Raven Manor. It look great

Name - D. SKye Hodges     Location - SLC, Utah     Date - Sun Oct 31 08:42:52 2004
Comments:   Saw your haunt on the news. Great job!!

Name - Tammy     Location - North Ogden     Date - Sun Oct 31 00:07:04 2004
Comments:   I found you by watching the local news when you were featured there on Saturday Halloween night 2004. I am very happy that I heard about you. What you have done is fasinating!!! Keep it up!Also, thanks for the tivo info on your web site. My daughter has tivo in three rooms in her home and I have decided to do the same thing. Love tivo !!!

Name - Brad     Location - Reston, VA     Date - Fri Oct 22 12:49:44 2004
Comments:   I loved the Tivo costume you made for the little girl. It looks adorable...have you ever made an adult sized one?? I ask because I am trying to find one for this Halloween to rent!

Name - Doug Hilton     Location - German Valley, Illinois     Date - Wed Oct 20 08:06:43 2004
Comments:   Nice job! I have a huge barn that I have been turning into a "Haunted Barn" for the kids (big & small)every year for the last 8. Every year it gets a little bigger. My wife thinks I'm nuts! She's right! I won't have time this year, but, I think the neghborhood is in desperate need of some "foxworthy ghost".

Name - JW     Location - STL     Date - Fri Oct 1 11:57:21 2004
Comments:   Great site and great haunt. We're just getting into the haunt fullforce and I'm *loving* it. What an awesome job you've done on yours, I hope ours is as good someday!

Name - Lory     Location - West Jordan,Utah     Date - Tue Sep 28 12:10:32 2004
Comments:   My family and I put up our own haunted yard in your area.I will have to come check out yours up close and personal.You did a fabulous job.I love your gates and your ghosts.We do more halloween decore on the inside of our home for our halloween party. We black plastic our entire basement and then decorate with a theme in mind. Fabulous job!!!!When I saw the pictures of last year and the snow I knew that you were from Utah. Happy Halloween

Name - Jack     Location - Park Ridge (Chicago), IL     Date - Mon Sep 27 23:56:43 2004
Comments:   Thanks for sharing your great, yard haunt pictures and plans! It was great seeing the finished product from 2003, and the snow made it even MORE eerie! Have a great 2004 haunt!

Name - Mary Jo     Location - Orlando, Florida     Date - Thu Sep 23 07:00:18 2004
Comments:   Great page. You have helped me a lot with my halloween display. i haven't read many of your comment yet. since i am not suposed to be doing this on company time. but i just wanted to add if you want to make foam look like rock. give it a coat of old laytex house paint. let dry then. spary texture on it. works great for tomb stones.

Name - Navy Ghost     Location - Springville, IN     Date - Tue Sep 21 12:05:58 2004
Comments:   FINALLY!! A masuleum WITH PLANS for my FCG to fly in full glory! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! Fantastic site, great pics, excellent details. Thanks for an EXCELLENT site!

Name -     Location - New Castle, PA USA     Date - Fri Sep 3 06:01:34 2004
Comments:   Spooky site! Great photo gallery. Keep up the haunting!

Name - CHRIS CHESNEY     Location - JONESBOROUGH TENNESSEE (OLDEST TOWN IN TN.)     Date - Thu Aug 19 22:53:41 2004
Comments:   Each year I search the web looking for new projects and new ideas. Each year I try to add a little more to my haunt. Everyone around it seems for it to get bigger each year and expect more from me each year. I wanted to do a walk in mausoleum and needed some ideas and came across yours. The work and the detail that you put into your displays is incredible. The detail you put into things is unreal. My mausoleum will house 2 full size coffins instead of a fcg. I will have a fog machine with sound effects as well. My tombstones are made of 2x wood as I get it for free do to the type of work I do. It actually works out really well. I work for myself on the side as well doing woodworking. I build wishing wells and sell them on the side and this year I am using 1 in my haunt with a tub a skull a fish pump which will pump water out of the top of the skull. The water will have red dye in it to give the bloody look and black light overhead. Your display is incredible so keep up the good work. I will be watching to get more ideas in the future.

Name - The Evil Green Witch     Location - Sunny Arizona     Date - Mon Aug 16 23:56:18 2004
Comments:   Very nice site and great pictures. It's really great to know that there are other Halloween freaks just like us. Formerly from the Jersey Shore, we bring our family and haunt across the country to Arizona where we plan to continue our annual hauntings. I enjoyed the visit!

Name - Randy Hicks     Location - Concord, Michigan     Date - Sat Aug 7 09:11:28 2004
Comments:   Wow! That is an absolutely awesome display. The detail in your work is outstanding. I'm starting my research for this years decorations and I must say your display is one of the best I've seen. Great job! Randy Hicks

Name - Toni     Location - Chicago     Date - Fri Aug 6 22:38:16 2004
Comments:   Hi, i unfortunatly live in i'll never get to see your beautiful haunt. Yes, i said beautiful, i say it because of the video you showed me on your 2003 pics page. The way you did it, it was beautiful. never in my life of home haunting have i ever seen such a beautiful spin on halloween. Sometimes, when i go to websites, i see blood and gore, and sometimes a little to much of it. But when i see your graveyard, the tombstones don't say scary or funny things they say names, names of the long lost souls that roam the display, like in the crypt, her moves are magestic and peaceful.... and the part that really got me was at the very end when the camera zoomed in...and the tombstone said...... elsa may SNOW.....

Name - Jennifer     Location - Chicago     Date - Tue Jul 27 15:20:57 2004
Comments:   As I start my research for holloween projects, I came across your site! It's truly inspiring. I add stuff every year and this year I would like it to be a fence. Yours is the most realistic I've found. While I don't think I have the storage for all the pillars, I would like to have a few at the entrance. Storage above the garage door is a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration and good luck this year.

Name - Lydia     Location - Simi Valley, California     Date - Thu Jul 8 22:44:25 2004
Comments:   Truly inspiring mausoleum - a definite add to my yard haunt this year. I haven't had any place to hang an FCG rig in previous years - and NOW I will. I bought the rig in March and Halloween, 2004 will be the best thanks to you!! Hope yours is great - Lydia

Name - Tom     Location - Geneva, OH     Date - Sun May 23 09:56:39 2004
Comments:   Wonderful job. Am in my second year working on my yard haunt. Hope to get up to your level one day. Keep up the good work, will check back again for more pics. Thanks.

Name - Jo     Location - California     Date - Sun May 9 11:03:10 2004
Comments:   The best columns and fences I've ever seen!

Name - Wes Bourn     Location - Norfolk, Neb     Date - Sun Apr 4 21:15:28 2004
Comments:   Nice site guys and cool projects. The mausoleum with the FCG is wicked. Your flying ghost set-up is great. May have to incorporate your method of the pipe trick into my own. If you are needing more geared motors, check out if you have not already. Love the build reports and the main page picture has that special touch for knowing some great viewing and reading is coming forth.

Name - Mark Jones     Location - Tampa Bay Area     Date - Thu Apr 1 09:58:12 2004
Comments:   Very nice job on your AFG! I intend to try a single run sometime myself. I do have a suggestion for you in regards to keeping your ghosts light. I'm not sure what you used for the cloth, but I've found the best ghost cloth is what I use on my FCG. It's called "septic tank paper" and is found at Home Depot. It's not paper, but a thin material rather like "dryer sheets". It's thin, transluscent, tough, tears with a nice ragged edge, and you can dye it with Rite Whitener to make it UV glow. Cost? Only about 20cents per yard for 48" width. So just say NO to Cheesecloth! Happy Haunting!

Name - Brian     Location - Omaha NE     Date - Sun Mar 21 14:02:06 2004
Website -
Comments:   your hant is great! keep up the Hard work.

Name - Benji Mairosee     Location - North harford High School     Date - Thu Mar 4 08:36:58 2004
Comments:   When I went on a camping trip on 2/27/04 in York County P.A. I saw several ghosts. I was wondering who they could have been? The place I saw the first one was at the bridge close by arround 1:35 P.M. on 2/28/04. From what I saw, they were two black slaves on the run. The second one was at the abandoned mess hall around 11:30 P.M. This one looked like a tall man, about six to seven feet tall, and carrying a candle. The third and last one I saw was in the woods around 11:45, I couldn't see a shape but I did see a red flashing light. Now I was the only one arround with a red flashlight and I know it wasn't me. I want to find out who these poor souls could have been for the next time I go back. Plus I'm getting very interested in ghost research even though my friends think I'm making it all up, but I know what I saw. Thank you for your help I hope to get a response. Ben Mairose, 3/04/2004.

Name - Lyle Braithwaite     Location - West Valley City     Date - Mon Nov 3 09:39:19 2003
Comments:   Very impressive. Keep up the good work.

Name - Sister of Raven Claw     Location -     Date - Sat Nov 1 13:25:01 2003
Comments:   You did an absolutly fantastic job this year! Halloween night was spectacular. You were able to use the heavy snow to the haunts advantage and Eleanor has NEVER looked better then she did that evening. Great job! Everyone is so impressed by all of your hard work. Thanks for another great show!

Name - Shaun     Location - SLC     Date - Thu Oct 30 06:25:49 2003
Comments:   You have the best haunt I've seen in SLC and probably the best I've run across on the web. My family and I stopped by the night you opened. You've done a really great job.

Name - Scott "mookie" G.     Location - South Jordan UT     Date - Wed Oct 29 11:25:09 2003
Comments:   I laughed, I cried, I thought...damn, what a hobby! Truely a site to behold

Name - Bonnie     Location -     Date - Mon Oct 27 10:35:46 2003
Comments:   Dave, You are the best! I have had fun showing you off to my friends this year. I know you have a good supportive wife that not only allows you to create, but encourages your efforts.

Name - Karen Phillips     Location - 6087 Don Juan Drive Taylorsville     Date - Fri Oct 24 10:46:01 2003
Comments:   This looks fun. We will be visiting this week. I had a friend send me the information; so we will check it out.

Name - Karl & Trina     Location - your neighborhood     Date - Wed Oct 22 21:39:45 2003
Comments:   We are so glad that you are going to dress up this year can't wait to see what the two of you can come up with since you are so incredibly creative. Also glad that you are doing it for more then one night!

Name - N8     Location - O Town     Date - Tue Oct 21 11:17:41 2003
Comments:   You seem like such good and decent people in spite of what Ben Gilchrist has told me about you. God Bless!

Name - Sister of Raven Claw     Location -     Date - Mon Oct 20 11:39:12 2003
Comments:   I like your super-imposed ghoast thing that you've got going on on the home page of your site! keep up the great work... AWESOME!

Name - Ben     Location - THE OC     Date - Mon Oct 20 09:00:30 2003
Comments:   Hey just wanted to send a shout out to all of those participating in this years events. Raven Manor Rules!

Name - Troy     Location - South Jordan, Utah     Date - Mon Oct 20 08:53:22 2003
Comments:   I look forward to seeing what's new every year! Thank's for the invite! The Jolleys

Name - jeri gilchrist     Location - Utah     Date - Sat Oct 18 07:27:03 2003
Comments:   I am sooo impressed! You guys have put in alot of hard work. Is there anything you guys can't do? You give us mere mortals a complex! You always do everything top notch. I'm proud of what you have done and even more proud to call you family. Love you guys!!

Name - Susan     Location - Salt Lake City     Date - Wed Oct 15 09:27:04 2003
Comments:   How could I ever be so lucky to have such a talented son! Watching you grow and the evolution of your talents has been the great joy of my life. I'm proud of you! Love You, Mom

Name - Emily Raven     Location - Gainesville, FL     Date - Sat Oct 11 14:20:39 2003
Comments:   Hey, I sure do love all of your haunting decorations. I really look forward to seeing 2003. In my absense, will you please broadcast a full view of your yard and those haunting in it! I know you will be missing the most haunting employee of all this year as he will be haunting the gators in Florida. Thanks for your hard work... Emily.

Name - Jamie     Location - Avondale, Arizona     Date - Thu Oct 9 14:42:20 2003
Comments:   Amazing!!I have been to many sites but none to top this one!Have you thought about taking your talents to Hollywood? Seriously! Your designs are that good. I am a Halloween nut ( my family can't understand my obsession). Up until I found your site I had only decorated the inside of my house. You have inspired me to decorate the outside this year too! I have my husband building my cemetary fencing and pillars. Thanks for making your designs easy to follow. The photos are great! I was insearch of projects that would give my haunt a realistic and classic look, thanks to you I've found it. Keep up the great work! I will definitely be back! Happy haunting!

Name - Don     Location - Whitestone, NY     Date - Tue Oct 7 09:49:57 2003
Comments:   Outstanding. Thanks for keeping Halloween alive. Looking forward to see 2003.

Name - Frank Bylecki     Location - Salt Lake City     Date - Fri Sep 26 10:53:49 2003
Comments:   I can't believe you take the time to do all this work. This is quite a special thing to do for your neighborhood. You must have an expensive and hardworking crew to help you set all this up. It is amazing that were doing this at such a young age. At that age, you and your friends should of been out looking for girls. Just think of all the dates that you and your friends missed out on. Hopefully, that didn't give you and your friends a complex. Anyway, I think it is wonderful all the detail this project has. If I can add one comment. I think you should add dummy's in your presentations. For example, take a pair of coveralls and fill them with newspaper. You could put a scary mask on them and people wouldn't know if they are real. They could be used for all kinds of fun things. Like wrestling!!! I wish I had a dummy to wrestle with right now. Another great idea to try would be aiming a water sprinkler at some plastic tarp. People wouldn't see it and the noise would scare them. I know I soiled myself once because I was frightened by one. So I digress. Great job on all the work. I suspect you pay your helpers well for their work and dedication. I would guess they really like food...i.e. pizza, hamburgers, and lynn wilson fruit burritos. Have a wonderful haunting season and I hope to come by and visit. Sincerly, Frank

Name - Maleficent     Location - Sunny California     Date - Fri Sep 19 13:25:09 2003
Comments:   Thanks, this is a great site! And awesome projects to. Can't wait to see all the pictures from Halloween 2003. Wishing you another great haunt!

Name - Lady Boo     Location - Spring Hill, Florida     Date - Fri Sep 19 12:24:03 2003
Comments:   You have a fantastic haunt! We love your gates so much we are trying to make some similar! Hope your Halloween is the best...thank you for a great website too! See you on the Halloween-L!

Name - chris     Location - Reno, Nevada     Date - Wed Sep 17 02:43:48 2003
Comments:   Awesome!

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