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Name - Kevin Cash Location - Hendersonville, NC Date - Sat Sep 21 15:17:18 2024 |
Comments: Looks great. Lots of ideas for my first haunt. Wish me luck. |
Name - William Zrno Location - Chateau Flats Ct, South Jordan Date - Wed Jun 19 13:37:48 2024Comments: Hello, I see raven manor every time (I'm the house on the left) I love your display | |
Name - Patrick Location - South Jordan Date - Sat Oct 29 20:53:20 2022 |
Comments: This is a real class act. Authentic haunts and spooks. We will be back every year. Quality stuff. Thank you. |
Name - Sean Location - Hutto, Texas Date - Tue Sep 14 11:16:24 2021 https://www.facebook.com/Blanckmortuary |
Comments: I have lurked at your site for years. Love the display you have. I enjoy the clean unkempt look. Definitely inspirational props. |
Name - Isabel Location - Utah Date - Sun Oct 28 20:06:13 2018 |
Comments: Hi I was interested in the weeping widow when I walked by how did you get the idea, what inspired you to make this? |
Name - barry Location - nevada Date - Sat Apr 28 12:58:07 2018 |
Comments: Would love to see photos/videos of your newer additions to your display. |
Name - Dave Location - Ohio Date - Thu Jan 1 18:35:18 2015 www.sandcem.com |
Comments: Hope the setup at the new place went well. Any pics of the new setup? |
Name - Chad and Angel Bunker Location - West Valley City Date - Thu Oct 30 21:30:59 2014 |
Comments: Was great to finally come and see your setup and meet you, keep up the great work, |
Name - Brandt Fine Location - Torrance, CA Date - Mon Jul 14 23:33:19 2014 https://www.facebook.com/brandt.fine? |
Comments: Hi, the columns are classic so we built our own with a few Tweaks and will be adding sub columns, fencing and a model T to our display this year. Looking forward to seeing your set up at your new place. The Karloff Manor will be a tribute to your set up here in California |
Name - Eric Location - Oceanside, CA Date - Wed Nov 20 15:28:15 2013 www.facebook.com/TerrorTactics2013 |
Comments: Loving your props and guides here! Im building new Columns based on what I saw here to replace my graveyard! Thank you! Id love it if you could give me a little more detail on your water staining on them though. How did you do it? What ratio or water/paint and all that? |
Name - daron f Location - great falls mt Date - Sun Oct 27 22:06:43 2013 |
Comments: you have inspired me in creating my own cemetery fence and grave yard scene. Thanks for all the info. |
Name - Don Location - Date - Sat Oct 26 14:39:30 2013 |
Comments: Great display! How did u glue the PVC pipes into the drilled holes? |
Name - Dave Location - Ohio Date - Wed Oct 23 11:42:35 2013 www.sandcem.com |
Comments: Good luck with the new place in 2014. The neighbors are lucky and hope the new ones appreciate what's coming to the neighborhood. |
Name - Tony Barkdull Location - Middletown, IN Date - Sat Oct 19 09:18:44 2013 myhauntedhollow.com |
Comments: Just started looking for column ideas. Landed on your page and after looking at your how-to's I watched your time lapse setup and noticed your location in Utah. Our first trip out west from Indiana was last spring and we drove through Jordan down I-15, near your house. We loved Utah and nice to know there are fellow haunters out there. I saw also tou have Axworthy ghosts which is a project I am considering. I hear they are a pain. Anyway, it all looks great! --Tony |
Name - Tina Location - Date - Mon Sep 23 06:39:37 2013 |
Comments: This is amazing ! |
Name - Lyn David Hadley Location - South Jordan Date - Sun Mar 3 13:18:53 2013 |
Comments: I am impressed very nice indeed. Thanks for making it so nice for so many. |
Name - Dave Location - Ohio Date - Sat Jan 19 22:33:19 2013 www.sandcem.com |
Comments: Love your place!!! Never have seen it in person so can't imagine how great it looks. I've been doing family home haunts for years and did my 1st one this past 2012. I found your site and wow! You're great at what you do and the neighborhood is lucky to have you dong this. Keep up the great work it's appreciated as you know. One question, that mask on Caretaker, is that homemade? |
Name - Gravely MacCabre Location - monessen, pa Date - Wed Nov 14 22:35:02 2012 castleblood.com |
Comments: what a wonderful place you've created. beautiful |
Name - Ash Location - Jacksonville, FL Date - Tue Sep 18 21:29:49 2012 |
Comments: Awesome yard!! Your setup is a big inspiration for me and my family!! Keep up the great work! |
Name - Cape Of Dracula Location - Reno, NV Date - Sun Sep 16 23:24:55 2012 sites.google.com/site/bizarreworldradio |
Comments: Got here with YouTube link. Fantastic display! Has an old world feel and eerie atmosphere. Looking forward to Halloween 2012! |
Name - Mrs. Mejia Location - Potterville Date - Tue Aug 21 17:57:00 2012 |
Comments: I found you from linking off a picture on Pinterest. STAY SPOOKY YOUR ART IS GREAT. |
Name - Dave Location - Raven Manor Cemetery, Utah Date - Wed Dec 28 23:06:14 2011 ravenmanor.com |
Comments: Hi Barry- You are exactly right. The shaft on the wiper motor was probably about 3/8" and the pulley bore 1/2". Since this project didn't require too much torque, I was able to get away with fitting a small spacer over the motor shaft. I used a small piece of PEX pipe that fit pretty well between the shaft and pulley bore. Then I tightened down the set screw on the pulley until it was snug. I think I also replaced the standard set screw with one that was a bit longer. This made the pulley slightly off center in rotation, but for this purpose it works just fine. |
Name - bayork Location - Brentwood, Northern California Date - Wed Nov 2 09:38:02 2011 s131.photobucket.com/albums/p293/bayork/2011Halloween/ |
Comments: Hiya, Dave! Just wanted to give you a big THANKS for all of the ideas I pulled from your Axworthy design. I tried several years ago with a much less elegant solution, and this year, put my Raven-Manor-inspired Axworthy in service. WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT! (website is a link to the pics/vids that show my AFG in action) I love having two circuits of ghosts running at the same time...AND being able to have stable poles without tons of rope staking them in place. |
Name - Dave Location - Raven Manor Cemetery, Utah Date - Thu Oct 20 15:50:20 2011 ravenmanor.com |
Comments: Greetings Don, I've e-mailed you an answer to your question on the tombstones and also added the answer and photo illustration on my method to the Tombstones project page. Thanks for writing and good luck with your display this year. -Dave. |
Name - Wooley Woodsmith Location - River Falls, Wisconsin Date - Sun Oct 10 07:08:21 2010 http://lumberjocks.com/wooleywoodsmith/projects |
Comments: We found your haunt and have found it very very inspirational! This is our first year of REALLY setting up. Thanks for all the information you have given us, in years to come we will be making many additions with your help.Wooley |
Name - Spider Rider Location - Sacramento, Ca. Date - Wed Apr 21 14:53:42 2010 sites.google.com/site/zlalomz/spiderriderhalloween |
Comments: As a former Salt Lake resident I applaud your weather resilient prop making skills. I couldn't believe the quality of your cemetery towers when I first saw them a few years ago. I haven't seen current photos, I hope all is well and we get to see more of your work. |
Name - David Location - Date - Fri Apr 2 09:35:49 2010 |
Comments: Test post only |
Name - Rich Koehler Location - Burbank, IL Date - Wed Jan 20 07:45:46 2010 www.rdkrafts.com |
Comments: Fantastic Haunt! Saw your site a few years back, your haunt inspired me to build Melvina Manor. I Like the fact that your haunt is low gore,but high spooky mood. Keep up the AWESOME work! Happy Haunting! Rich & Donna, caretakers at Melvina Manor. |
Name - Troy Location - South Jordan, UT Date - Tue Nov 3 10:55:51 2009 |
Comments: Hey Dave! Great job as always. I liked the additions this year! Keep up the great work! |
Name - ramaries69 Location - Brooklyn Date - Mon Oct 26 09:02:22 2009 |
Comments: Awesome work!!! Keep up the good work. |
Name - JULIE SMITH Location - MIDLOTHIAN, VA Date - Fri Oct 16 06:40:21 2009 |
Comments: Looking for fence and pillars |
Name - Matt Cowan Location - Oregon Date - Sat Oct 10 22:33:41 2009 |
Comments: Great work!! Especially like your fence and gate column's |
Name - Justin Davis Location - Suffolk, VA Date - Wed Oct 7 11:19:24 2009 |
Comments: Absolutely brilliant. I was feeling a bit out of the "spirit" this year until I saw your site. |
Name - Scott Location - Spanish Fork, Utah Date - Mon Sep 28 16:20:04 2009 scottdimmick.com |
Comments: Great work on your props. I like what you've done. I too am in Utah and I've been working on my yard haunt and trying to come up with a name. Raven Manor is not officially off my list. :) |
Name - Pat Williams Location - Newton Centre Date - Fri Jan 23 02:45:59 2009 http://www.none.com |
Comments: I liked your site. |
Name - marty from ohio Location - rossford ohio Date - Wed Jan 14 07:00:45 2009 |
Comments: hey wheres the 2008 pics???? |
Name - Mandy Barnes Location - Canada Date - Thu Oct 9 16:35:28 2008 www.barnesboneyardhaunt.com |
Comments: Great looking haunt! Your Crank ghost is fantastic. |
Name - Johnny Love Location - California Date - Wed Oct 8 21:28:58 2008 www.lovemanor.com |
Comments: I just wanted to swing by and let you know that your home is such an inspiration for me. It pretty much started it all. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Johnny Love www.LoveManor.com |
Name - king Location - ohio Date - Tue Feb 12 16:58:10 2008 |
Comments: can you help me come up with a way to make a mosiliem lighter and storge friendly. that would be great |
Name - Earl Ray Location - Rapid City S.D. Date - Sun Sep 9 09:12:53 2007 blackhillsfoamwork.com |
Comments: Looks great! You have got the touch. Great Fun for all. keep it up! |
Name - Drew Location - Cleveland, Ohio Date - Tue Sep 4 13:26:43 2007 deadenddungeon.com |
Comments: You truly do a great job, and I have to agree with Ted below, that this is the most relistic looking cemetery I'v seen yet. I'v been working on new graves for this season, and wanted to know your painting techniques. Is is rag-rolling, or sponge, or what? Also do you fill the tubes with ice and let reg. fog run through, or is a special fog machine? Thanks so much. -Drew |
Name - Ted Location - Plant City, FL Date - Sat Aug 11 07:32:17 2007 spillit.wordpress.com |
Comments: I found your site a couple years ago. You've got one of my favorite yard haunts I've seen (online). It's clean and one of the most 'realistic' displays. Your front pillars are awesome! Thanks for updating the site each year. The how-to's are great. Thanks again. |
Name - Pamela Chandler Location - Thousand Palms, California Date - Sat May 5 12:56:26 2007 http://www.nightshadesnightmare.com |
Comments: Thanks for sharing your wonderful display. You are truely an inspiration! Happy Haunting.... |
Name - asha Location - lagos Date - Fri Jan 26 17:55:54 2007 |
Comments: good site |
Name - Mandy Barnes Location - Canada Date - Mon Jan 8 11:13:50 2007 www.barnesboneyardhaunt.com |
Comments: Your haunt looks fantastic! |
Name - J. Rick Suchil aka "Sooch" Location - Beyond the Sun Date - Sat Oct 28 13:58:15 2006 www.thefanboys.com |
Comments: Thanks for scaring the sh** out of my kids last year. They wake up in a cold sweat every night. I hope you are proud of yourself!! |
Name - Brian O'Halloran Location - Dover, NH Date - Thu Oct 5 19:35:45 2006 www.brian.ohalloran.net |
Comments: Nice job with the web site and the Halloween Decorations. Thanks for the projects area it has provided me with some inspirations of my own. I can’t wait to see what you will add this year. You must be so proud to have made it on the TV news. |
Name - Rhonda Location - Austin, TX Date - Sun Sep 17 09:08:07 2006 |
Comments: Your site AND your gates/crypt rock!!!! You've done a wonderful job on both and I greatly appreciate your sharing!!!! |
Name - Mark Location - Ottawa, Canada Date - Tue Sep 12 15:57:09 2006 |
Comments: Outstanding decorations and truly inspirational. You have the house that amateurs like myself aspire to. Well done. |
Name - Brian Location - Pittsburgh, PA Date - Wed Dec 28 14:45:17 2005 www.freewebs.com/brianmm111 |
Comments: I love you cemetary gate and fence. I auctually love your site in general it is so awesome. but I really love the columns and gate and fence, i wish i could do that. |
Name - Randy Tippett Location - memphis missouri Date - Thu Dec 1 19:46:30 2005 http://www.nmghs.org |
Comments: I love Raven Manor it gives us some ideas for next year haunted barn and pasture |
Name - Sutter Cane Location - Wichita, KS Date - Thu Nov 24 17:06:38 2005 members.cox.net/suttercane/index.htm |
Comments: Nice job with the website buddy. Everything looks great! |
Name - Jim Location - Huntsville, AL Date - Sun Oct 30 22:14:03 2005 |
Comments: Enjoy the Site a true insperation to all home haunters!!!!! |
Name - Becky Rickman Location - Date - Wed Oct 26 10:07:14 2005 |
Comments: Great!!! |
Name - The Hansons Location - Around the corner from your house... Date - Sun Oct 16 18:48:12 2005 |
Comments: We loved it. It was better than cats. We want to see it again and again. |
Name - Rich Location - Indiana Date - Fri Oct 14 20:29:34 2005 miserymanor.com |
Comments: Awesome Haunt!!! This is my first year with the Misery Manor haunt and with the addition of a mausoleum built from your plans it should be fantastic, I can't wait. You're display was such an inspiration in the disigning my Cemetary. I refer everyone who ask about yard huants to your site. Detail is what it's all about and you nailed it. Great job!!! |
Name - Mike Location - Savannah GA Date - Fri Apr 22 11:15:32 2005 Essence.cc |
Comments: I've been here several times, can't remember if I have ever signed the book. Well, anyway...HELLO! |
Name - Shane Cooper Location - Longmont Colorado Date - Fri Apr 8 14:59:00 2005 www.scooperhome.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1 |
Comments: Really enjoyed your site and all of the pictures!!! We just started getting into our yard decor 2 years ago and it's fast becoming the main attraction in our neighborhood. Moving ghosts are my next big thing along with more tombstones. Thanks for all of the ideas!! I only have a 7 months and not enought time to get it all done. Now if only my storage unit can hold it all?? |
Name - Jeff Barry Location - Thunder Bay, Ontario. Canada Date - Fri Mar 18 18:26:28 2005 www.hauntedyards.com |
Comments: Nice work... I love the crank ghost! Have a good season. |
Name - Steven Spelsberg Location - Los Angeles California Date - Wed Jan 12 22:46:53 2005 |
Comments: You are a creative genious... Any chance you dable into movie making???? |
Name - Norm Glenn Location - Austin, Texas Date - Thu Nov 11 12:15:49 2004 www.mansionofterror.com |
Comments: This is a great job and a work of art within the haunt community!!! My hat is off to you. Keep up the great work. |
Name - "Autumn" Location - Mobile, AL Date - Thu Nov 4 13:46:00 2004 www.autumnwhisperstome.com |
Comments: A truly inspiring work of art. Thank you so much for sharing your haunting vision with us. |
Name - Sam Ahlstrom Location - South Jordan, Utah Date - Sun Oct 31 19:33:04 2004 www.freewebs.com/kilopolki |
Comments: I've always wanted to do something like that but I've never had the money since I'm only 14. It was a lot of fun to drive by and see Raven Manor. It look great |
Name - D. SKye Hodges Location - SLC, Utah Date - Sun Oct 31 08:42:52 2004 dskye.blogspot.com |
Comments: Saw your haunt on the news. Great job!! |
Name - Haunted418.com Location - New Castle, PA USA Date - Fri Sep 3 06:01:34 2004 www.haunted418.com |
Comments: Spooky site! Great photo gallery. Keep up the haunting! |
Name - The Evil Green Witch Location - Sunny Arizona Date - Mon Aug 16 23:56:18 2004 www.cliftorsgraveyard.com |
Comments: Very nice site and great pictures. It's really great to know that there are other Halloween freaks just like us. Formerly from the Jersey Shore, we bring our family and haunt across the country to Arizona where we plan to continue our annual hauntings. I enjoyed the visit! |
Name - Jo Location - California Date - Sun May 9 11:03:10 2004 |
Comments: The best columns and fences I've ever seen! |
Name - Wes Bourn Location - Norfolk, Neb Date - Sun Apr 4 21:15:28 2004 www.teambac.com/halloween.html |
Comments: Nice site guys and cool projects. The mausoleum with the FCG is wicked. Your flying ghost set-up is great. May have to incorporate your method of the pipe trick into my own. If you are needing more geared motors, check out surpluscenter.com if you have not already. Love the build reports and the main page picture has that special touch for knowing some great viewing and reading is coming forth. |
Name - Brian Location - Omaha NE Date - Sun Mar 21 14:02:06 2004 Website - |
Comments: your hant is great! keep up the Hard work. |
Name - Lyle Braithwaite Location - West Valley City Date - Mon Nov 3 09:39:19 2003 |
Comments: Very impressive. Keep up the good work. |
Name - Scott "mookie" G. Location - South Jordan UT Date - Wed Oct 29 11:25:09 2003 |
Comments: I laughed, I cried, I thought...damn, what a hobby! Truely a site to behold |
Name - Karl & Trina Location - your neighborhood Date - Wed Oct 22 21:39:45 2003 onthemoveadvertising.com |
Comments: We are so glad that you are going to dress up this year can't wait to see what the two of you can come up with since you are so incredibly creative. Also glad that you are doing it for more then one night! |
Name - N8 Location - O Town Date - Tue Oct 21 11:17:41 2003 |
Comments: You seem like such good and decent people in spite of what Ben Gilchrist has told me about you. God Bless! |
Name - Ben Location - THE OC Date - Mon Oct 20 09:00:30 2003 |
Comments: Hey just wanted to send a shout out to all of those participating in this years events. Raven Manor Rules! |
Name - Troy Location - South Jordan, Utah Date - Mon Oct 20 08:53:22 2003 |
Comments: I look forward to seeing what's new every year! Thank's for the invite! The Jolleys |
Name - Don Location - Whitestone, NY Date - Tue Oct 7 09:49:57 2003 www.geocities.com/draculashouse |
Comments: Outstanding. Thanks for keeping Halloween alive. Looking forward to see 2003. |
Name - Lady Boo Location - Spring Hill, Florida Date - Fri Sep 19 12:24:03 2003 home.earthlink.net/~seannach/ |
Comments: You have a fantastic haunt! We love your gates so much we are trying to make some similar! Hope your Halloween is the best...thank you for a great website too! See you on the Halloween-L! |
Name - chris Location - Reno, Nevada Date - Wed Sep 17 02:43:48 2003 |
Comments: Awesome! |
Thank you so much for dropping by. If you are so inclined, you may leave your mark.
We are dying to hear your comments and questions. If you experience any problems with
the guestbook, or prefer e-mail, you may contact us here. --Raven Manor
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